Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Yep, I don't know who voted for me, but I certainly flogged THE CONCRETE MAZE enough and now I'm shortlisted or nominated or whatever the term is for a Spinetingler Award. The Tinglies?

Mighty proud especially considering the copmany I'm keeping - very upscale. Honored to be admitted among them. I've even read some of the other works on the list which is not often the case.

In any event, I would say "Vote early and often," but it appears only one vote person per category and it had better all be on one email. So vote early and vote carefully...Torres has two Rs and ends in an S.

I should also note that I've added yet another ill-tended blog to the Blogiverse: The Classical Critic. It's new and about classical music. Essentially, it will consist of my occassional ramblings about the CDs I buy and the radio stuff I hear.


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