Left Coast Crime Anyone?
In any event, I'm going to be on a panel with wonderful people like Libby Fischer Hellman, Neil Placky, Rick Mofina, and Cara Black. Actually, it's not "people like" them so much as it's them. We'll all be talking about the male/female split - can men write female characters? Etc. I'm not sure about this topic - I figure it is as settled a question as can come up. Obviously men can write female characters. And women can write male characters. Imagine if we couldn't - that's right single sex novels. The arguments against must be along the lines of "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus." We cannot understand each other and all those occassions when men and women converse happily are just so many lucky coincidences...
Still, this should be a good convention for me. I have absolutely nothing to flog - not even a short story out. This means I get to see some of Denver. Anybody else headed out to Colorado?