Thursday, September 08, 2011

Crimespree and Me

Yes, yes. The rumors are true. I've been co-opted by the powers that be. Which powers be they you ask? The powers of CRIMESPREE MAGAZINE.

In the past, I've been content to read the magazine, to be published in the magazine (more times than I can easily recall, but at least three short stories) and even to advertise in the magazine. Now I will be an editor. And not the looking for comma errors type of editing either. I'm editing fiction... Making sure even the most hardboiled and noirish stories have happy endings... Okay, maybe my powers don't extend that far.

In any event, the Jordans are all packing for St. Louis as they'll be hosting the Bouchercon this year, but I suspect I'll be added to their contact page later this month. Then, if you have a highly polished crime based story, you might send it my way. Not that you can't send it now, but the contact info at the Crimespree website will have it go to the lovely and talented Jennifer Jordan first. That works.

More later.

Anyway, thought I'd mention it here since I'm not doing anything else...


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