I'm about 25k words into three different novels. One of the novels is a first person crime novel based on a series of true stories. Another is a multiple POV thriller (although the
thrill part may be a matter of opinion). Another is a kind of 3rd person literary novel (here the
literary aspect may be open to debate) that has a crime in it.
I've also got a science fiction short story (maybe 10k+) that I've just about finished except for the tricky part about putting it on paper.
And I'm trying to sell a novel already written and containing my best work so far (yes, I know what you're thinking - how good is that?)It is the infamous goatsucker book. My people are talking to somebody else's people and all of them sedulously avoid talking to me. I kid.
And then there's the fact that last year was the year of the short story for
Quertermous but for myself as well. I have a bunch of them - some of them quite good, some a bit more middling, but all of them must go. They need homes. I've been invited to send things to places (I'm trying to be vague here). But I haven't gotten around to doing what needs doing. Namely sending things off.
Oh, and I've got to write a story for an anthology I've been invited to contribute to (yes, my first anthology story invitation). Sorry, mum's supposed to be the word on that project. Believe me, if I could divulge the secret, it would lead off the news on my
webpage . I can't. Oh wait. Maybe I should contact the editor about this.
As you see, there are too many things on my plate. In fact, there are so many things on the plate, I'm not even sure the plate's still there.
This year is the year of writing books and selling the stories (or otherwise placing them). It's also the year in which I make the biggest effort of my career to promote my works. I've got a paperback and a hardcover coming out this year. I'll be everywhere trying to remind everyone about all of this. I'll spend the summer visiting independent bookstores trying to get them to carry my titles. I'll be going to at least four different conferences. I'll be placing ads, writing articles, interviewing authors, and being interviewed in turn. (I've three interviews lined up so far. One is on a hip show run by former rappers. Frankly, it scares me a little.)
All that, and, oh wait, I'm the new president of the Mystery Writers of America. No... Hold on... Oh good, that's Janet Evanovich. Thank God.
Whining? Yes! Tired? Maybe! Ready to quit? Rather!...Er...That is... NEVER! (Or at least not soon.)