I don't understand the Rush Limbaugh thing. When it comes to politics, I should say I'm about as likely to vote Dem as Rep. I'm listed as an Independent, but even that's not an overt political thing for me - I just find both sides sometimes do stupid things and both sides sometimes do smart things.
But Limbaugh? Really? He's the leader? That pretty much guts the GOP doesn't it? I mean, Limbaugh IS an entertainer, for goodness sake. I understand he has an Oprah-like platform, millions of people listen in everyday, etc. Fine. I get that and the kow-towing that comes with it. Certainly, nobody wants to piss him off intentionally. Understood. Hell, it would even be rude to in a certain way, but COME ON! He's a voice on the radio. He's not a leader. I can tell he's not a leader. Want to know how I'm so sure? He doesn't hold public office. As far as I know. Has he ever had to try to push a single bit of legislation through? Or make an executive decision that didn't involve donuts*?
Rush is a Monday morning quarterback. He puts spin on what real leaders have done. Frankly, if I were Mr. Steele, I wouldn't have taken back what I said. If there were enough pressure for me to do so, I'd rather quit than stroke Mr. Limbaugh's ego...Or any other part of him. Most likely, I wouldn't have responded to Rush's tirade. If anything, I would have put out a clarification that said: "We of the Republican party want America to succeed. We will work with the President to ensure that happens."
Given my penchant for sarcasm, I might have said something more like, "Sorry to Rush Limbaugh, I didn't mean to offend him. I thought for sure he was still high as a kite and wouldn't be paying attention..."
* Not a knock on his weight. I make executive decisions about donuts almost daily.